FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending October 12, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending October 12, 2024



New Cats:

During our Friday updates a tiny little girl came in.  We’ve named her Minnelli (notice the spelling is different from Liza). She was in very rough shape.  She was found in the middle of the road.  We aren’t sure what happened to her, hit by car, some other kind of accident or just neglect.  She had maggots over her and at first the person who found her thought she was deceased.  We wondered if she would survive the night.  She was cleaned up, washed, given fluids and did survive the night.  While she is not out of the woods, she already looks like a new cat.

She is about 6 weeks old. She is a long haired black kitty.   She has a URI.  Her eyes were both closed and one is now opening a little.  She weighs about 12 ounces.  She needs all our good thoughts.  And was seen by Dr. Darcy while given a treatment plan.

Health Updates:
Our Vet, Dr. Darcy came and did exams on most of the cats.  (some cats who have recently seen her or hid while she was here, weren’t examined).

First, the bad news:

Please keep in mind that medical decisions are always made with the best interests of the cat in mind.  Age, behavior, personality are factors that are considered along with the specific medical condition.  Sometimes what may work for one cat is simply not in another cat's best interest.  

Our sweet Porchie, Peanut Butter (PB) has been battling skin cancer in his ear for a few years.  Recently, it has gotten progressively worse.  PB gets very stressed when forced to spend any amount of time indoors.  He would not do well with chemo, as he simply would be miserable having to undergo such treatment.  A decision was made to let him pass with dignity in a pain free setting.  PB has now gently passed.  This sweet boy was about 11 years old.  He arrived in 2013 and decided to stay.  He was much loved and a favorite of many visitors.  He will be missed.

Crumbles came to us in November of last year. She was found with her collar fused to her neck/chest bone area and stuck under her front right leg causing a laceration under her right armpit. She was very dehydrated.  We estimated that she was about 22 months old.  What her life was like before coming to FFRC, we will never know.  But we do know she did not like to be around other cats.  While she could always come into the main center, she chose to stay in the back, in Thumper's room.  She was comfortable and happy there.  The collar had caused a major infection that left her with significant scarring.  About 5 or 6 months ago, her wound had reopened with a repeat infection.  This time, her infection could not be controlled.  It was decided to let her pass with dignity and in loving arms.  Crumbles has now passed but will always remain in our hearts.

Good news.

Good, positive exams were done to around 70 cats, with all our cats being given a clean bill of health.  Yes, there are cats with existing conditions, but those are treated with on-going medicine and treatments.  Also, several of our cats have ‘goopy’ eyes but that is normal this time of year, especially with the numbers we have.  Think of it like young children at kindergarten, with sniffles and runny noses. 

We are happy with the overall health of our cats.

Other Updates:

The little gray kitten that Debbie has been taking care of now has the name Spitfire.  (he was the one found in the woods by himself).

The kitty found at Taco Belle is now officially Taco Belle.  She continues to show improvement and is still being treated for toxoplasmosis. 

None, right now.

You never really know the true value of a moment, until you are left with only the memory. Cherish your memories and embrace your moments.