FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 20, 2024

        FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 20, 2024


Sweet little Fries got adopted. She showed up at FFRC on June 17, 2024.  She was probably a drop off and run.  She is going to a home with two young boys (human) and an older sister (kitty).  Her grandfather will become her Vet, as he is a Veterinarian. Her new name will be Sappy!

New Cats:

This week we had Humane Ohio come to take cats up for spay and neutering.  A woman brought two kittens who did not make the weight required for surgery.  They were sent up in the truck to have a Vet look at them.  The sickest of the two, was dehydrated, and needed meds.  Because the woman who brought them in only handles outside cats, she agreed to surrender the kittens to FFRC. 

Both kittens were covered in fleas, both have significant ear mites

Littlest one is black and white and in need of fluids so he was given subq fluids.  Both are being treated and when healthy will go up for adoption.

We also had a return of a cat and his sibling.  Jefferson was here as a kitten 7 years ago and they have a cat named Porchie (Not a FFRC former kitty). Porchie is 5 or 6 years old. The family situation changed and they could no longer keep them.  The two are bonded so they are together but very scared.  Both cats are brown/black tigers and somewhat ‘hefty’.  They are in June’s room now and comforting one another. 

All four of the new arrivals have been tested and are fine.

On Wednesday we took in a kitten (2 month old female) who was found by the police on the sidewalk and appeared to be involved in some kind of construction accident.  One leg was severely damaged and the other leg was hoped to be saved but in surgery, Dr. Darcy determined that both front legs needed to be amputated from the ankle’s down, so he has ‘stubs’.  We used to have a cat, “Barron” who had no front paws and did well getting around.  Because she is so young, she should do well handling no front paws.    We are calling her “Roo” as she sits like a Kangaroo and the staff at Dr. Darcy’s office was calling her Roo.

She’ll go back to the Vet on Tuesday for a follow up.

Health Updates:
Rumpelstiltskin will go to Vet’s this week to check on his leg that is giving him a bit of trouble.  His spirits are good but he does have a noticeable limp, so he is being given pain meds.


Other Updates:

This was a very difficult week for FFRC.  We lost three cats:

Our beloved Covie, Jersey passed.  He has been failing for a while now and this week it was time for him to rest, no more pain, no more challenges. 

Jersey was 16 and has been at FFRC since 2013 when he was rescued with his friend Merri (who was later adopted.)

Jersey had CH but was just like any other cat, but with physical challenges.  He never let them slow him down.  He will be missed and remembered fondly in all our hearts.

The white faced gray kitten that was one of the four infants found in a trash bag by the trash removal company, sadly passed.  He simply couldn’t overcome his terrible start to life.

Courage passed this week.  He seemed fine but when the staff came in on Thursday, he started having seizures and he passed while being held.  It was quick and there was no time to do much to save him. 

Not really FFRC related but part of the FFRC family, Megan’s beloved dog Tucker passed away this week. 

A tough week and a reminder that loving animals, rescuing animals, is rewarding but also can be heartbreaking at times.  Sometimes the losses seem overwhelming but then we are reminded that there are so many animals that need us and would never have a chance without us.

We lost three cats this week, but there are five cats that arrived that needed us, need us and need you.  The cycle never ends, but every life saved makes us remember why we do what we do.


None at this time.


“Life involves heartbreaking endings and endless beginnings filled with hope, perseverance and glorious triumphs.”

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 13, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 13, 2024


Shakespeare was adopted!  He goes to a family that adopted his sister last year (Chomper, now Margot).  His new mom has already posted several pictures of the siblings reuniting.  They look happy, loving and best of all, they look like a family. 

Servalan was adopted into a home where he will have cat, dog and horse siblings.  He’ll also have a bunny and lizard to call family.  He’ll have lots of playmates and lots of love.  

Two of the solar system babies were adopted:  Mars and Eclipse.  Eclipse will have a new name:  Milkyway.  Mars will be Mars.

Health Updates:

Our special girl, Grammy, passed.  She came in earlier this year with her son, Buddy.  Both came in with many health conditions.  They were both given extensive medical treatments but Buddy passed several weeks ago and our Grammy passed this week.  She leaves us with heavy hearts but also smiles knowing she was happy, loved and allowed to have a dignified passing, surrounded by love.

Last week a local trash collection company employee found four new born kittens in a garbage bag.  Some of them even had the umbilical cord attached.  Sadly, one of the smaller ones passed despite enormous efforts to save her.  She was a gray kitten, given the name Stuffy.  She may have only lived a few days, but she knew the touch of humans and most importantly, the love of humans. 

Her remaining littermates are being fed every two hours by either Debbie or Megan.  It is a tremendous undertaking but everything is being done to ensure these three survive and thrive.  Prayers for them are certainly welcome.

Cheerio visited the vet this week for an inner ear infection.  The issue is much deeper than originally thought and she’s being treated with strong antibiotics. It is believed this infection is related to the ear polyp she had removed a few months ago.  She’ll be in Thumpers room for a while as she needs rest and limited activity.  We hope she’ll be flinging soda cans around soon.

Pania also visited the vet this week.  She has had a skin condition for several months now and it’s gotten a little worse so she is now being treated with different skin treatment.  This skin condition can be a skin condition that is just that but it may also be indicative of something else.  We are hopeful the skin condition will be calmer soon.  Dr. Darcy is happy that her lungs sounded good and her nose is not stuffy as it has been in the past.

Percy continues to have ringworm.  Megan said it’s one of the worst cases she’s seen so he’ll probably be kept semi-isolated for about 21 days. Percy is a little kitten who really wants a friend to play with.  Xavi has been put in him and Xavi is on a preventive treatment against ringworm.  They both are happy to be with each other and playing like kittens play.  Ringworm is not painful, it’s similar to athlete's foot and humans can, and often do get ringworm.


Other Updates:
We’ve gotten an update from Colonel Mustard’s mom and the Colonel is doing very well.  He’s happy and loving life.


None at this time.

Our goal at FFRC is to do what’s best for the cats that come to us.  We do what is in their best interest. It is our hope that we can find loving, forever homes for all of them.  Every cat deserves to be the center of someone’s life and family.  Sometimes, what’s best for the cat is to remain at FFRC, but each cat that becomes a resident means there’s less space for a cat needing our services.

We know all of us have certain ‘favorites’ and are sad when they are no longer seen on cam because they have been adopted.  But being adopted is a good thing.  It is what the cat needs and deserves.  Just because something went wrong to bring them to FFRC should be held against that cat for having a family of their own.

There are some people who have expressed anger or disappointment with FFRC for adopting out their ‘favorite’ cat.  We screen the applicant.  We talk to them and ensure they are right for the cat they are adopting.  For example, we probably wouldn’t adopt an older cat to a family with several young children, or a single kitten that would be left alone for most of the day.  Every cat is different, every potential adopter is different.  We try to match the right adopter with the right cat.  Sometimes it is the cat that chooses the adopter.  We know you love our cats, we do too.  We hope you want each cat to be happy, healthy and part of a family.  That’s what any cat lover wants for every cat.

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 6, 2024

 FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 6, 2024


None.  We continue to get requests to take cats in (close to 80 a day) but are well beyond capacity.  Please consider adopting one of our cats (or two, three).

Health Updates:

Sadly little Morrison passed.  He started not feeling well late last week and was given some treatment but continued to decline.  He was taken to the vet and passed.  The vet feels he was born with some bowel deformations.  Morrison was about 10 weeks old.

Xavi is doing well since his tail amputation.  He is doing very well.

Grammy continues to do well.  She will go back to the Vet on the 11th to have a further look at her esophagus and they will check, under sedation, for possible polyps inside that may be causing some issues.

Pania goes to Vet on the 11th for a skin condition she has always had that has some flare ups.

Other Updates:

Lots of new kitties:

Percy = 7 weeks old kitten found by himself on the side of the road. His eyes were completely matted shut.  His nose matted shut.  He has ear mites and one of the worst cases of ringworm seen.  He’s been bathed, given medical treatment and is on the road to recovery.  His ringworm will take about 21 days to eradicate. 

Odie = about a year and half old. Found by Kim, all alone.  Super nice boy.  He has an eye infection, lots of fleas and some other issues which are all being treated with medicine.  (one of the issues I can’t spell but it’s where the testicles don’t descend so he couldn’t have a normal neuter, but more like a spay.  He also has some issues with his eyes.  He can see, but not sure how far.  His eyes are similar to Ming, a cat from several years ago that was simply Magnificent and every Monday was Ming Monday where his adopter  would give us updates on him.  He was much loved and remains a special kitty in our hearts.

A Real Waste Trash company driver was collecting trash on 7/5/2024. While collecting trash,  he noticed movement in a grocery bag. Thankfully he pulled it out and inspected it. Four infant kittens were found inside, umbilical cords attached, eyes and ears closed.  They appear to be less than a day old.  The infant kittens were brought to FFRC.  They are so tiny.  Debbie is feeding them every two hours.  Please say special prayers for them.  Also, special thanks to the hero collector who didn’t just look away, but took steps to save these babies.

Emmy is now out in the main Center.  She is tentative but has become close friends with Carmine and likes to follow him around.

Rumpelstiltskin has been coming out more and more to the Center.  He’ll play a while (usually with Magellan) then go back to his apartment with Nyota.  Nyota is taking applications for an additional roommate.

Gordy, Chowder and Scotland are all doing well in the Cove.

Financial Stuff::

No updates


Mars and Eclipse will be going together.  No date yet.


To the  Real Waste Trash company driver who didn’t look away and saved the four babies thrown in the trash please know you are in our hearts.  Thank you for being the hero to those innocent souls.

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending June 29, 2024

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending June 29, 2024


None this week.  We really, really, really need adoptions!  One day this week, we had 73 calls to take in cats.  We are beyond capacity and sadly, had to say no to all of them.  We are about 40 cats over what we feel comfortable with.

If you have a cat, please make sure they are spayed or neutered.  If you don’t have a cat, consider adopting one.  So many homeless cats, such heartbreaking situations.

Adopt a cat today and change your tomorrow for the better.

Health Updates:
Our little Xavi went to the vet’s on Tuesday .  His degloved tail was amputated as it was causing an infection that the Vet was afraid might turn to Sepsis, which is life-threatening.  While under, they also did a neuter on the little guy and he is fine after both procedures.  However, it was noticed that he seemed to be a little off when walking when he first came into FFRC so X-Rays were done and it appears his hip socket is not aligned properly.  He doesn’t appear in pain and he can get around ok, but he’s just a little off on his walking.  He’ll be closely monitored as he grows to see if any future medical treatment is needed.

Grammy’s mega-esophagus has come down in size but there still is one area that is ‘enlarged’, so Dr. Darcy has reached out to other Vets to see if they’ve seen this in their patients.  She doesn’t appear to be in any pain and acts just like a senior cat where she sleeps and isn’t all that active.  Her blood work is a little ‘off’ so the update on Grammy is that there’s no update.      It's the status quo.

For now, we’re just in a holding pattern with her.  She’s eating, she’s happy, she gained a little weight.  So we’ll keep monitoring her.

Cheerio had her polyp removed and it caused her third eyelid to pop out.  It isn’t bothering her and she is activating as if it is perfectly normal.

Other Updates:

Meatball is doing excellent in his new home.  It’s almost as if he has always lived there.  He gets along fine with her other animals (cats and dog).

Guppy is ok and so very shy and really needs a home where she can get some one on one attention.  She is just so sweet, but so shy.  A nice cat for a senior citizen that has time to give her the love she needs.

Foxy is doing very well, she has gained a lot of weight (normal weight) and we think she is about 8 or 9.  She is at around 6 lbs.

Juniper, Emmy and Tigerlily, have changed so much since the kittens have been brought in with them.  They are all stepping up in mom mode and become so loving and comfortable in their settings.

Radar’s diet is progressing.  He is now on Purina Pro-Plan Weight Management food, courtesy of Aunt Beth!

Malade and Magellan have been frequent guests of Rumpelstiltskin and Nyota.  They’ll stay for a little bit then come out back into the Center.  Rumpel also has been venturing out in the Center but after about 15 minutes he goes back to his home with Nyota to watch some t.v. and hang out in his favorite space bubble on the wall.

Financial Stuff::
Catching up on the Cat-A-Thon this week, sending out baskets and consolation prizes.  The final numbers for the Cat-A-Thon have gone up.  We were at $108,000.  We are now at   $114,258.57.  This was the largest amount ever raised in the 25 year history of FFRC.

Our joy continues as well as our hope for many less stressful days worrying about paying the monthly bills off.

And our dream of building and opening a low cost basic veterinary clinic is closer to being a reality, although that is further down the road, but within eyesight

Our application for 501C status has been accepted by the department that handles things.  We now wait for approval.  Acceptance doesn’t guarantee approval but it gets us closer!  


None at this time


With July 4th coming up, please try and provide any outside cats you have with a ‘safe’ place such as a garage to go to if they get scared.  At FFRC we will make sure the outside cats all have access to all the open buildings and ‘safe’ places.

We may play some music for our inside cats to help calm them.  If we do, we will turn off the sound on the cam for copyright purposes. 

FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending June 22, 2024

 FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending June 22, 2024


Meatball was officially adopted by Lynnette!.

Health Updates:
No updates this week.

Other Updates:
Scotland has joined the Covies!  So far, so good.

Cheerio was given a special award for all his help during the Cat-A-Thon.  He was given a silver Can of Soda for his heroism in protecting the Center from cans of Pop.  He was touched by the gesture and promised to remain vigilant on cans of Pop Soda, be them diet or full strength.

Financial Stuff::
The Cat-A-Thon took place this week.  It was a record breaking event that far exceeded our expectations.  The final total was $108,956.12.  All 400 envelopes were ‘adopted’ with some amazing ‘bump ups’ to raise the total.  The breakdown by day is:

Day 1

$21,602 with 180 adopted

Day 2

$11,618 with 46 adopted

Day 3 

$9,610 with 36 adopted

Day 4

$12,004 with 46 adopted

Day 5

$25,638 with 92 adopted

That totals $80,472 with all 400 adopted

Then even more magic happened:

Bump ups  =  $1,484.12

Angel Donor 1 = $1,000

Angel Donor 2 = $20,000

Grand total = $108,956.12

Thank you all.  We are humbled, grateful and blessed by all of you.


None at this time

FFRC Cat-A-Thon 2024

So tell me more about this Cat-A-Thon thing….

It starts Monday, June 17th at 10:00 a.m. and runs until Saturday June 22nd.

There will be a board of envelopes numbered 1 through 400.  The first row of envelopes will all be 10 and the second row will all be 20.  Rows 3 thru 23 have envelopes in sequential order up to 400.  The number on the envelope on all rows is the number you agree to donate to FFRC.

Since going to this format Cat-A-Thon a few years ago, we like to think of it as ‘Adopting’ an envelope.  Just like any adoption, there is responsibility and trust.  We trust that if you adopt an envelope you will follow through with that adoption and send the amount you have pledged to us via Paypal, Venmo, or by calling in with a credit card.  You can also send us a check, but you need to call us first so we know that is what you are doing.

You can call us each day between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Megan is willing to take calls later in the night if needed).  The phone number to call is 1-419-393-2400 or email us at fofrescue@gmail.com.  A phone call is the quickest and easiest way to adopt an envelope.

As each envelope is ‘adopted’ we will mark off the envelope board so everyone knows that envelope has been adopted.  For some reason, the past few years we haven’t quite gotten the right markers but this year we put all our collective heads together and got ourselves some Bingo Daubers.  We are confident in our ability to mark off the envelopes so everyone can see those already adopted.

Now Rows 1 and 2 are different.  Each envelope on row 1 is $10 and each envelope on row 2 is $20.  These are for those of our Friends who want to adopt an envelope but are not in a financial situation to donate an amount exceeding $10 or $20.  We ask that these two rows are not adopted to anyone who is able to and willing to adopt a higher amount.  For example, if you can donate $60, please adopt the envelope with 60 on it, instead of adopting three envelopes with 20 on it.

When you adopt an envelope your name will be put in a drawing for the row the envelope is on, and at the end of the Cat-A-Thon a drawing will be held for each row with a fantastic gift basket given to the name drawn.

We want this week to be fun.  We also want this week to help the financial situation of FFRC so we will have funds at the ready when needed.  We have a long term goal of saving enough money to someday open a spay/neuter clinic with a vet on duty to help with basic veterinary care (similar to Earth Angels from way back).

We also recognize that some people cannot afford to give financially.  Please, never, ever feel bad about that.  You can help us in so many ways:

> Like our videos on YouTube and Facebook

> Come into chat and thank those who are adopting or who have donated the baskets to be given away

> Be positive, be kind and be a best Friend to everyone who wants FFRC to succeed and help as many cats as possible 

We simply cannot do what we do without YOU.  We need our Friends.  Our cats need you.  Our cats are your cats.  Your cats need their Friends.

Thank you for all you do for FFRC.  Without our Friends where would we be?  Without Friends where would our cats be?