FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 20, 2024

        FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending July 20, 2024


Sweet little Fries got adopted. She showed up at FFRC on June 17, 2024.  She was probably a drop off and run.  She is going to a home with two young boys (human) and an older sister (kitty).  Her grandfather will become her Vet, as he is a Veterinarian. Her new name will be Sappy!

New Cats:

This week we had Humane Ohio come to take cats up for spay and neutering.  A woman brought two kittens who did not make the weight required for surgery.  They were sent up in the truck to have a Vet look at them.  The sickest of the two, was dehydrated, and needed meds.  Because the woman who brought them in only handles outside cats, she agreed to surrender the kittens to FFRC. 

Both kittens were covered in fleas, both have significant ear mites

Littlest one is black and white and in need of fluids so he was given subq fluids.  Both are being treated and when healthy will go up for adoption.

We also had a return of a cat and his sibling.  Jefferson was here as a kitten 7 years ago and they have a cat named Porchie (Not a FFRC former kitty). Porchie is 5 or 6 years old. The family situation changed and they could no longer keep them.  The two are bonded so they are together but very scared.  Both cats are brown/black tigers and somewhat ‘hefty’.  They are in June’s room now and comforting one another. 

All four of the new arrivals have been tested and are fine.

On Wednesday we took in a kitten (2 month old female) who was found by the police on the sidewalk and appeared to be involved in some kind of construction accident.  One leg was severely damaged and the other leg was hoped to be saved but in surgery, Dr. Darcy determined that both front legs needed to be amputated from the ankle’s down, so he has ‘stubs’.  We used to have a cat, “Barron” who had no front paws and did well getting around.  Because she is so young, she should do well handling no front paws.    We are calling her “Roo” as she sits like a Kangaroo and the staff at Dr. Darcy’s office was calling her Roo.

She’ll go back to the Vet on Tuesday for a follow up.

Health Updates:
Rumpelstiltskin will go to Vet’s this week to check on his leg that is giving him a bit of trouble.  His spirits are good but he does have a noticeable limp, so he is being given pain meds.


Other Updates:

This was a very difficult week for FFRC.  We lost three cats:

Our beloved Covie, Jersey passed.  He has been failing for a while now and this week it was time for him to rest, no more pain, no more challenges. 

Jersey was 16 and has been at FFRC since 2013 when he was rescued with his friend Merri (who was later adopted.)

Jersey had CH but was just like any other cat, but with physical challenges.  He never let them slow him down.  He will be missed and remembered fondly in all our hearts.

The white faced gray kitten that was one of the four infants found in a trash bag by the trash removal company, sadly passed.  He simply couldn’t overcome his terrible start to life.

Courage passed this week.  He seemed fine but when the staff came in on Thursday, he started having seizures and he passed while being held.  It was quick and there was no time to do much to save him. 

Not really FFRC related but part of the FFRC family, Megan’s beloved dog Tucker passed away this week. 

A tough week and a reminder that loving animals, rescuing animals, is rewarding but also can be heartbreaking at times.  Sometimes the losses seem overwhelming but then we are reminded that there are so many animals that need us and would never have a chance without us.

We lost three cats this week, but there are five cats that arrived that needed us, need us and need you.  The cycle never ends, but every life saved makes us remember why we do what we do.


None at this time.


“Life involves heartbreaking endings and endless beginnings filled with hope, perseverance and glorious triumphs.”