FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 31, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 31, 2024


 None this week

New Cats:

On 8/19 a very sick kitty was found by our Friend Connie.  She had found her in a terrible state, bone thin, malnourished, dehydrated, infested with fleas, a deformed or injured right paw and pregnant.  This poor kitty was given the name Mattriane.  Sadly, she passed several days later.

A 3 month old, black, female kitten was found wandering around on the property by Cindy and Ray.  She appears to be hungry, but in good physical condition.

That same day, Carmine found a one month old kitten, male, blackish/brownish/grayish.  Her back legs are ‘lazy’ or delayed. She can use them but kinda ‘drags’ them.  She also has a small scrape on her lower spine.


Health Updates:

No updates due to Megan vacation.  All meds and medical issues being done by Lynnette. 

Other Updates:

No updates due to Megan vacation.  All meds and medical issues being done by Lynnette.  


Bodie and Darkcat still on hold. 


With gratitude, we countdown to September 1, 2024, the 25th anniversary of FFRC.