FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 24, 2024

 FFRC Weekly Blog Week ending August 24, 2024


We had 4 adoptions this week!

Sanford was adopted!  Our sweet boy gets to go home with a catio to relax in during the day while he watches birds and squirrels play.  He’ll have a 20 year old sister to chill out with and best of all, no kittens to drive him crazy!  He’ll have peace and quiet!

The long wait for a home for MightKat finally came to an end as she was adopted!  She’ll have a kitty brother and a human sister to grow old with.  

Radar was adopted.  This boy was quite overwhelmed here after all the changes his life has gone thru and now he gets to go to a quiet home that knows of his weight goals and will work with him to reach a healthy weight, while living in a happy home surrounded by love.  His new name is Michael.

And finally, Bellamy got her wish, to stay with her best friend forever as she was adopted by Carmine.  She and her new dad were meant for each other and rumor has it, she may already have her own special place to sleep close by him at night.  It was meant to be.

Health Updates:

Roo continues to do very well.  She is getting more and more walkabouts and is getting around very well. She has a very positive attitude.

Checkers had the degloved tail and was going to have surgery in the future but his tail fell off.  He’s fine and Dr. Darcy said that’s not unusual.  He doesn’t mind and is just being a happy, playful kitty.

Ridley and Maverick have officially finished their ringworm treatment. 

Other Updates:

The two boy kittens (4 month olds) that came in a few weeks ago finally have names:  Hooper and Hoppy.  Both are orange/white but Hooper is more buff (color not abs).

Bella, Luna and Checkers are doing great and all becoming good play friends.  They are all happy and healthy.

We have a new staff member.  His name is Ray and he is a great help in keeping up with the farmland.  He’s been doing a lot of landscaping and helping Cindy with a lot of the outside stuff.

The Covies got a television this week!  They wanted it for the start of the college football season.  They are all pretty exciting but we’ve decided not to give into their demands for individual IPhone’s.


Bodie is on hold and getting adopted around September 8th.  He is going to go with Dark Cat!  The two friends will officially become siblings and grow up together.  The family that adopted Acorn is adopting them. 

We do have a number of adoptions coming but they’ll wait until Megan’s vacation is over.


FYI: We are a few days away from our 25th anniversary!  September 1, 1999 is our official 25th anniversary.  We encourage everyone who has ever adopted from FFRC to share a picture or story of their kitty (past or present) on our FaceBook page.  We look forward to the next 25 years.