Happy Memorial Day to all our USA friends. We hope you're having a great day! It has been an absolutely beautiful day around here and you can smell BBQ in the air. There is lots of boats on the water. Such a pretty day sure makes you grateful. I am full of gratitude for our kitty friend, volunteers and all of you out there with your amazing support. We have a bit of catching up to do, so let's get to it.
New Intakes:
Marbles: Marbles arrived on 4/20/23 with a date of birth of 9/11/22. She is a beautiful dilute tiger and cream color and just absolutely precious. She stayed in back thumpers for a while to be a friend to Karl, a tiny kitten. She was found wondering an alley in town.
Karl: Karl was found 4/27/23 with a date of birth of 2/23/23. This little guy is an adorable little ball of energy. He's constantly bounding all around getting into things which is how he was found---in a car engine! He's an adorable black and white kitty with an all black nose.
Sanford and Piet: These two sweeties came in from the same family as returnees. Former FFRC alum, Piet is a gray girl with a date of birth of 10/17/13. She is the quieter one of the two but loves attention and brushing. Sanford is the bigger one, bright orange with big round eyes. His date of birth is 4/24/16. They arrived on 4/29/23 due to the family having a change in the household.
Maybelle: Maybelle is the next to arrive on 5/3/23 with a date of birth of 10/26/22. This girl was again found in town and very clearly pregnant. With me going out of town, I asked our Sunday volunteer, Olivia, if she would foster. She ever so kindly accepted. Maybelle gave birth to SIX healthy kitties on 5/21/23. Maybelle is being such a wonderful mommy.
Millie II: Millie is the next to arrive. She has showed up on the property a couple months ago and attempts to catch her have been unsuccessful. Sure enough we noticed she was getting a little rounder. On 5/6/23, she ended up giving birth to 4 adorable kittens in one of the sheds. Thanks to the use of a live trap, we were able to catch her and bring her inside. She is doing wonderfully, and while she will never fully trust people, she is warming up and a real sweetie. When possible, we will spay her and put her back with the porchies. Now her babies, they are a different story. Boy, do they rush to the cage door when someone comes. They are the most lovey, playful kitties. I'm so proud of them. Millie is black and white with a date of birth of 12/01/22. Her babies are Achoo (inky), Cheerio (brown tiger), Squizzle (brown tiger and white), and Butterbean (brown tiger).
Raggles: This adorable girl arrived because of a housing change with her family. Shes so beautiful, I just knew she would get a hold quickly. And she did! She is a calico Siamese. Such a pretty color. She arrived 5/11/23 with a date of birth being 12/07/22.
Puddin: This little bean showed up on 5/21/23 with a date of birth being 5/3/23. She was found in someone's garage with no one else around. They brought her up here unsure of what else to do. She was just so very little. We have her now and are just spoiling her like crazy!