Well here it is, my very first blog post! Eek I’m not nervous, I’m not nervous. Ok, maybe a little. But luckily I have Steven, Magic and Egypt on my desk proof reading and pointing out errors, in between eating snackers of course. So very grateful for help! So many updates to give! So grab your coffee, blankie and snuggle in with a kitty for a big catch up.
First of all - the wonderful Mama Jacci. She’s just the bestest and has been so helpful in instructing me on meds and some ‘how do I do this’s’. She’s really enjoying her retirement and has taken the dogs to the beach ALOT, which they love. Everyone seems to be settling in very well. While Jacci is so very happy, she misses the kitties, volunteers and all of you very much. I'm just so happy for her, she deserves a retirement so very much.
I’ve had a lot of questions about my ‘day job’. Yes, I still have that! I’m working a ‘hybrid’ schedule right now which is at FFRC from about 6:30 till 8 or 9, then to my office till about noon, then back to FFRC till about 6-7ish. While it’s not the most ideal having such long days, I’ll work on it and super appreciate you all’s kindness and support!
And big huge thanks to my hubs Eric—he’s just beyond supportive and has been taking care of the home front.

New intakes: Gosh it's alot!
Steven approx. 6 weeks old, doing wonderful and has found a great friend in Egypt.
Egypt, our broken leggy boy. Approx. 6 months old, had a FMO surgery and is doing AMAZING. Big thanks to our wonderful Dr Darcy and Dr P for saving this sweet boys legs.
Hamilton the 2nd, approx. 9 months old. Had terrible ear mites, and an URI, Luckily meds helped a lot!!
Ilse (mama) came in with a large wound (possibly mastitis) that is now completely healed! She did have a 'flare up" but with the help of great antibiotics is now doing great! Her babies are Aragorn, Hindi, Angus, Donut and Giorna.
Debbie (mama) found at GM, and just a wonderful mama. Her babies are Pickles, Cherry, Freckles, Boop and Tootsie.
We also have major thanks to give. We have gotten numerous donations during this transistion. If I missed thanking anyone, super please let me know. I am just beyond grateful for all of your support. We also started boxes today --YAY!
Heres a big thanks to all of you!
Billy k - 2 16lb Bags of Purina One, Case (40) Friskies , 2 Lg Container of Temptations, 3 Containers of Temptations
Anonymous - 2 16lb Bags of Purina One
Robert S - Case of Shepa Pate, Note Paper
Mrs, Lexa - Case (48) Shepa Pate, Note Paper
Jaxx - 3 Bags of Zip Ties
Myrna - Box of Kitty Shrouds
Janet P - 2 Large Bags of Bonita Flakes
Anonymous - 4 bags of Purina One
Sue Pok - Kitty Bed, Cat Astrological Picture, Damando Cat Picture, 2 Boxes of Delectable Stews, Ripple Rug
Anonymous - Container of Temptations
Mary SoCal - Container of Squeeze Ups
Chana Z & Bob- UTI Meds, Case of Fancy Feast
Mary C & Randy M - 4 Boxes of Lil Soups
Tweety Tweet - Bag of RC Baby Cat, 3 Cases of Baby Food
MightKat and Brothers - 6 Cases of Lil Soups
Susan S - Toshiba Microwave
Jabberwockysmom - $50 Donation in memory of her Zeeba
Again, thanks for hanging in for this very long catch up. I will hopefully get this down smoother in the future! I'm just so very thankful and my heart is so full. Big hugs and purrs to all of you. Thank you for being our friends.
In friendship to all ~ Megan