Monday, April 4, 2022


Day two of blogging! When you just have so much to share, and one blog won’t cut it. HA!

I have some fun Jacci updates!!! “Caryn and kids are visiting
and will arrive tonight for a week.
We had a big storm last night. Been taking dogs to dog park everyday almost. They have met other Great Danes and Abner made a new friend with a little 10 lb dog!
Cat are all doing super and are feeling at home. We went to ocean beach twice in the last week. The water so very blue. All is good!”

It’s so nice to hear they are doing so well!! On the flip side, I told her the kitties here were also doing well. We did quite a few weigh ins this week and everyone seems to be right on par, which is exactly what we want to see. Coralie, Ramsay, Vernon were great! Derecho did weigh about a pound more than last weigh in, but he assured me it was only the winter fur!

We did take in two more kitties. The first one is Missy II. She was found in the Chief parking lot in Paulding Ohio. She is a beautiful long haired Tortie. Her birthday is Oct-29-21. She is about 5 months old. She had terrible ear mites and fleas, but over all in good health. 

The next one is Braveheart II. He is a medium hair black tiger. He was also found in a parking lot, this one McDonalds, crying by the trash cans. He did have a tick on him, but was quickly treated! His birthday is Aug-27-21. 

We also had day two of boxes, so here’s a great big thanks to everyone who send goodies in!!!

SuePok -- Litter Bags, Laurel Birch Purse, Vase & Matching Coaster Set, Cat Plant Starter, Bottle of Odban, 2 Bottles of Dawn Dish soap, 2 Cases(30) FF Gravy Lovers, 
Polly -- Case (30) FF Gravy Lovers, 6 Bags of Plastic Spoons,   
Wendy B -- Case of Friskies Lil Slurpies, 4 Cases of Capri Suns, 2 Boxes of Delectable Stew, Verity Pack of Baby Food, Lg Box of Assorted Chips and Snacks, Bag of Purina One Kitten, Coffee K-Cups
Kathy in WV/8 Cats/2 Dogs -- 2 Cases of FF Kitten 
Mary D & Randi M -- 2 Cases (30) Fancy Feast, Lg Bag of Purina One Kitten, Case of Purina One(cans) Kitten
Mary H -- Gallon of Bleach
Mr Meow --  Bunches of Kitchen Towel Sets, Kitty Tunnel, 2 Bags of Kitten Food, Case of Asssorted Cans of Tuna, 9lives, Chicken, Toys, Catnip, Assorted Stews and Licks, 2 Boxes of Sheba Purfect Portions  
Stewart & Sara K -- Case(30) Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers, Pack of Licks
Lisa T -- Lg Bag of Purina One Kitten, Lg Container of Temptations, Box of Temptations Party Mix
Anonymous -- Case(24) Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers, 2 Containers of Licky Sticks, Box of Delectable Stews
Cynthia H -- Lg Container of Temptations, Box of Delectable Stews
Billie K -- 4 boxes of Appetizers 
Pat Lee --  2 Cases (32) Friskies Sea Food
Cynthia W -- Kitty Tunnel , Cat bed, 3 Boxes of Dryer Sheets, 2 bottles of Laundry Soap
Julie 4 Rescue Kittiys -- Dryer Sheets, Licks
Mary SoCal -- Pack of Bath Towels, 2 Shop Vac Filters 4 Mop Heads, Pet Cave Bed, 4 Boxes of Frontline Flea Treatment 
Anonymous -- Lg Bag of 9Lives dry food 
Susan P -- Box of Licky Sticks, Case (24) FF Gravy Lovers 
Janet & Susan UK -- 3 Cases of FF Creamy Delight
Linda D -- Case (24) Friskies
Donna H -- Cat Dancer Toy, Cat Brush, Lots of Plastic Food Trays 

Thank you so much for everything you do! We are grateful!! I sure hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! In friendship ~ Megan and the Cats