June 10, 2021, Thursday

 Another HumaneOhio day........one of our favorite days. We sent up 53 cats--36 females and 17 males. Our total so far for 2021 is 456. Out of that 53, is 9 of our FFRC cats.

Yesterday was the end of our Fun-Raiser! Another good day. This was totally a Larissa Artsie Craft fun-raiser! 

But, first, we had BOXES!

Anonymous friend--8 cases of 9-Lives Pate

Brian C--box of capstars, 2 Yeow cat nip bananas

Denise & Elizabeth--24 pack of FF appetizers

Janice B--oCedar Easywring Mop

Mary SoCal--birthday card for CDot, $5 chickie money and a donation

And then we had the drawing!

A - $ 140 -- Won by Michelle R
B - $ 90 -- Won By KB ID
C - $ 105 -- Won by MLS for a volunteer
D - $ 305 -- Won By Cindy & Casey
E - $ 170 -- Won by Michelle Und
F - $ 360 -- Won By Amy Kil
G - $ 325 -- Won By M & M 
H - $ 290 -- Laura Ra
I - $ 100 -- Won By Michelle Lf,, & Larissa 

Bumps from Jojo , Marco German, Daydreamz, Vince JG, Cheryl C, Burguny, Akiko
Maddisonpepper, Flymom, Jabberwolkymom, SnoopyBaby, Anonymous, Jaxx, DonnaJB, YvonneVDK, Bellabell, Jo603, Scrunchions, Zelda Belda Box Girl
Fun Raiser Total $ 1,885
Bumps                 $ 961
Grand Total         $2,846

This fun-raiser will go towards paying some of our bills--sewage, insurance, propane gas and laundry soap and bleach. What a huge group effort and so appreciated!

Another adoption on 6/6.  On Beth's way home, she made connection with the new mama of Corabelle. The pictures I've seen looks like Corabelle is super comfy and happy.  Thanks to Beth for making this connection possible.

As you probably know, Molly went to the vet's office Tuesday.  Please see posts on our FB pages for that update. Today, Molly received a big scrubbing bath for that terrible skin condition. We tried something different today. With Dawn's help, we got her in Steve's shower!! (Shhhh, don't tell him!!) Quite a feat in itself but she sure smells scrumptious now! Her appetite is very low but she does eat a bit each day. Her two puppies are doing good. Still low weights but coming along.  I'm so thankful for B to be nursing them. I got to meet B and she is a fantastic dog and so loving. 

All is fine here at FFRC.  Kitties are growing. Cats are happy. Lots of fast-acting playtimes, especially in the morning. It's hot and humid here--so are so thankful for the air conditioner! But still, the cats are "flat cats" at times--laying flat out on the floor!

The farm animals are all doing great. Remember our 2 inch goslings and ducklings?  They are now huge and doing great. Within a week, they will move out to the farmyard and join the rest of the critters out there. They have all survived and are healthy. 

If you notice the cats are rather "weird" today...........maybe it's true!  They were gifted with 2 big bundles of fresh cute catnip!  Plenty for everyone!