Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Have you noticed?  It's very obvious.  The cats and kittens have been extra good!  They heard through the catnip vine that there MIGHT be another fresh cooked turkey for them on Christmas Day! They are so very excited. And they've promised they will share, as it's for ALL the outside cats too--the Porchies, Firecats, Covies and Barnies. Now, to be extra good kitties and cats!

And we have many thanks to give!

Deena M--donation to FFRC

Lynne J W--donation to FFRC

Dan J--donation to FFRC

Thomas W--donation to FFRC

Pamela C--donation to FFRC

Missy R--donation to FFRC, in honor of Fred, Gail & Boo Boo

Sharron P from Canada--donation to FFRC

Connie K--donation to FFRC

Kenneth M--donation to FFRC

Nicole D--donation to FFRC

Faithy M--donation to cover a public cat spay/neuter!

Douglas P--donation to FFRC

Lana H--donation to FFRC

Christopher S--donation to FFRC

Deborah S--donation to FFRC

Lana H--donation to FFRC

VinceJG from Canada--donation to FFRC

Monday is our next HumaneOhio spay/neuter day. Hoping for another full schedule.  We will also be sending 2 of our boys up--Stuffins and Giblet. They will travel in the same crate, for comfort.  

We have taken on a new baby kitten. Today he is 13 days old--a grey silver tiger, a little boy. He was found when he was less than 24 hours old. He's been taken care of by a friend and now he's here. His name is Myles, a Name a Cat Name. He is being syringe fed and is a cuddler. His birthday is 12/3/20. 

Friday is an important day! Dr. Darcy would like to see Sparrow and Coralie.  It's time for Sparrow's second x-rays of her knees. This will give us an indication of what treatment may need to be done. She is one extra sweet girl--so kind, so sweet. And she just keeps right on playing and joining in with the kittens. Yes, her back legs are still wobbly, especially the left leg. We are hoping to see some healing especially in the right leg, enough to support her body weight more since the left leg is the worse. Regardless, this is a happy kitten!

And then there is Coralie. What a miracle girl she is.  It has been a whole week since she has gagged up any food! This in itself is crazy. Looking at the x-rays, it's plain to see how that mass has so pushed and displaced her trachea and esophagus. Here's something else that is awesome---she is eating.  YES...actually eating fairly normally. And I've weighed her--she has now gained 6 ounces of her lost weight back! I've talked to Dr. Darcy and she is very happy too and very perplexed.  She would like to see Coralie on Friday too, for another x-ray and this time, an ultrasound. This will tell us what is going on.  Dr. Darcy is curious as I am too--what happened?  I also told her she has had hundreds of prayers said. Friday will tell us more of her story. 

The Gold Christmas Castle that was here in the Rescue Center is now being shared with the Covies!  And they love it! 

Remember we've mentioned Merlin.....the newest Firecat?  He was dropped off here mid summer. At that time, we would see him but only at a distance. One good thing---he was already neutered! He has come so far...he loves to eat and we can now lightly pet him. He houses in the A-frame by the Firehouse. Merlin is a buff cat. He's even making friends with the firehouse cats! 

Take good care and have a great day.