FFRC Blog February 2 thru March 8, 2025
Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances there has been no blog for February. So this is a larger than expected blog, trying to get everything caught up. Because of its length, it’s being posted in sections. The adoptions are in this post. There have been 12 adoptions since the last post. Tomorrow the rest of the sections should be posted.
Sorry for the delay.
October = He came to us in October, 2022 with his sister Wixx. They were both around 4 months old. His sister got her furrever home last September but October has been waiting for his home. October is keeping his name and we are keeping him in our hearts forever. He’ll be going to a home and have a brother to share life with.
Billy Jean = 5 year old Billy Jean came to us on February 27, 2023. She was a stray in a trailer park and someone had used her for target practice and shot her with a BB. The wound was on her left side and she was rushed to an emergency vet by a caring person. The vet was able to clean the wound, give pain meds and stabilize her. It was determined that the risk of surgery was too great and she still has the pellet in her rib cage, but it does not cause pain or slow down this brave, gentle kitty. She will be keeping her name!
Moo Moo = In October, 2024 a nearby couple were drinking their morning coffee outside when a tiny 3 month old kitten came up to them in bad shape. She had a collapsed anus, muddy feet, fleas and was so very thin. They brought her in and her life saving treatment started. She is healthy now and gets her very own home to leave the memory of the past behind. Moo Moo gets a new home and a new name, Malibu. Moo Moo Malibu will be going home to another kitty, Pouch, that was adopted from FFRC last year. They also have another kitty, Gandolf.
Theon and Robert = These sweet boys came to us in June, 2024 when they were just two months old. They came in with sisters Miffy (adopted this month) and Liebchen (still waiting for a home). They were born to a stray mother who has since been spayed. Theon is playful and a little shy. Robert is a sweet boy. The best thing is that they are not only brothers, they are best friends. They were born together and now will spend furever with each other. Their new family is not yet sure if they will keep their names. They will be their only pets.
Stubs = This precious boy came to us January 17, 2025. He was simply found walking around outside by a couple who brought him to FFRC. He was in pretty good health when found. He does have a tiny tail. It’s fine, just tiny. He was about 5 months old. We’ve had him altered so he can live his life playing, sleeping, eating and being loved and giving love, without consequences. His new family is keeping his name because it really is perfect.
Miffy = Our beautiful calico girl is sister to Liebchen, Theon and Robert. They were all just 2 months old when they came in as strays to a mom in an outside colony last June. Her mom is now spayed and her brothers were adopted earlier in the week. Miffy does wish her sister Liebchen gets her very own home soon. Miffy will join a home that already has several FFRC alumni. So they all know the rules of FFRC: Be respectful, be compassionate and above all, love each other.
Halo = This curious and mischievous girl was found roaming around outside. We put her age at the time at around 3 to 4 months and believe she was born in May, 2024. She loves to play and go everywhere around the Center. She has bright eyes and a silky, shiny coat. Give her a toy and she’ll play for hours. She’s pretty good with the laser light too. She’ll be going home with the couple that had found Spitfire roaming the woods. She’ll have a brother who is around the same age. His name is Bam Bam. Halo’s new parents are not yet sure if she’ll keep her name.
The next four adoptions (Jack, Kevin, CATalina and Zorro are all being adopted together by the same family.
Jack = A couple were camping and found this wonderful boy in the woods in October, 2024.. He was about two months old at the time, with his birthday being estimated to be early August, 2024. He was in very bad shape. He had severe ear mites, fleas and a ruptured eye (from herpes). Despite all of that, his overall demeanor was excellent. His ruptured eye was removed so he wouldn’t be in pain and wouldn’t be susceptible to infections later in life. His eye socket was stitched closed, again to prevent future infections. He looks like a pirate and sails thru the center like he’s on the high seas His name will remain, he’ll be just Jack.
Kevin = Kevin came to us on March 3, 2025. He’s had only a few days in the main Center but we’ve enjoyed watching this special boy. His birthday is 9/12/2024. His original family had landlord issues and he was surrendered to Dr. Darcy at Fountain City. The good people there have been taking care of him, ensuring he had all his vaccines, was altered and in good health. They asked Megan if she could find him a home. She said yes but never would imagine he would get a home in a week! His face is so cute you may stare at it for hours simply smiling. He’ll keep his name.
CATalina = This stunning girl was found outside, alone, in December during a deep freeze. A caring family took her in for about a month but their cat wanted nothing to do with another cat. She was brought to FFRC on January 10, 2025. She was about one year old. She’ll keep her name and will be brushed every day to maintain her beautiful hair (the family kids promise!)
Zorro = This sweet boy came to us February 20, 2025. He had been found by a family on their back porch. He was about 4 months old when he came in. We had him altered during his brief stay with us. He’s sweet, a little shy but he’s had a lot to deal with in his young life. He’s already been playing with Kevin in the few days Kevin’s been on the Main floor. His family is not yet sure they’ll keep the name. They’ll watch him closely and choose a name suitable to his personality.
Jack, Kevin, CATalina and Zorro will grow up together with a family that is ready, willing and able to give them all the love and attention each of them deserve.
We’ll get frequent updates as their new mom is a webcam chatter.