Info on favorite Valentine!


We have so many choices to make every single day.  Coffee vs. tea, mittens vs. gloves, go to work vs. stay home in bed and watch the cats.  Sometimes you just have to look into your heart and choose……

That special Valentine.

We’ve done part of the hard work by narrowing down the choices to 10.  Yup, we know maybe your special love is not in this group.  But these are the 10 kitties who stole our hearts at the special photo shoot and made the final cut.  (there were also several cats who refused to sign off on the Valentine’s Day contract without being compensated with unreasonable demands, like 6 packages of Temptations.)  

Anyway, you can help choose the FFRC Favorite Valentine for 2025 Valentine’s Day.  This is not a favorite cat or king/queen contest, it’s for the Favorite Valentine of the finalists chosen by an independent group of people who  just happened to be around when the photos were taken.

We wanted to have some fun as we do a special fun-raiser for FFRC.  Here’s how it works:

Each vote is $5.00 (you can send via paypal, venmo or check, be sure to include the cat you have voted for).  You can vote as many times as you want as each vote is $5.00.  And each vote will put your name into a special prize to be given at the end of the week.

Voting starts, Monday, February 10th and runs until Friday, February 14th at 10:00 a.m.  Then on Friday, February 14th, at noon we’ll go over the results and the prizes.  We’ll also give the winning cat a very special treat and kiss for being the FFRC Valentine’s Day winner.

In the comments on this post will be the link to how to pay via paypal or venmo.  If paying by check, be sure to send an email to  with your name and the name of the cat you have picked.

There are no losers, we all win, especially the cats.  And if you can’t help financially, that’s ok, we’ll take virtual hugs and kisses because our cats love all of you and know you love all of them, every day.

The photos on this post are the cats.  The names of the cats are on/near the photo the photo title.











FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending February 1, 2025


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending February 1, 2025



New Cats:

Meco:  A cat that we are putting at around 8 or 9 months was found at an apartment complex with yeasty ears, fleas, scabs, deformed back left toes and missing a tail that didn’t seem to heal correctly so what is left is kinda like an S shape.

Sometime this week, we will be taking in two cats who were previously adopted from FFRC years ago.  There are health issues in the family so the kitties are going to come back, per our adoption agreement.

We will also be getting a cat returned that was adopted a few years ago (she was known as Eileen).

And we will be getting a cat named Margaret that we are familiar with (not sure if she was adopted by FFRC) due to the owner moving.

So our numbers are increasing so we need adoptions! We are at capacity.  In fact, we are way over capacity.  And the returnees are older cats and older cats are harder to adopt out.  We’ll do what needs to be done to ensure all our cats know they are loved and never think of them as a number.  Each and everyone of them are so very special to us and we know, to all of you as well.


Health Updates:

Sad news:  Alberta went to Dr. Darcy on Thursday and tests all showed numerous issues that simply could not be overcome.  She was in pain and the humane decision was made to let her pass and be free of her pain.

This little girl didn’t pass alone, she didn’t pass thinking the world had let her down.  She passed knowing love in her final days.

Love, even for a short amount of time, can heal a soul, even if the body cannot be healed.

Teddy continues to progress and is now on pills instead of injections for his FIP.

Other Updates:

The orange boy that came in last week that we’ve been calling Chunka Munka now has an official name!  His name is:  Bramwell.  He is slowly letting us get closer to him and we can pet him with a scratcher.  He’s settling down and we will go at his pace, on his timeline.

Allen was returned.  His new momma realized she was overwhelmed with Allen’s health history and he has battled respiratory issues since he came to FFRC and his new mom just felt it was wrong to try and deal with a situation that was not in Allen’s best interest, so she did the right thing and brought him back.  He hasn’t really been gone long enough to need an accumulation time and his friends are happy to have him back.  This was really in Allen’s best interest and we thank the adopter for doing what is best for him.

Many people have expressed concern for our wonderful volunteer, Jackie.  Jackie has had a terrible bout with the Flu and has been out for a couple of weeks.  She is feeling much better and (knock on wood) will be back soon.  Jackie has volunteered for FFRC for many years and loves the cats, and the cats all love her.  We are so very blessed to have wonderful volunteers who keep us running and Jackie is right on the top of that list.  When she comes back, please be sure to welcome her back on the cam.  And remember our volunteers are critical to us being able to do what we do.  Without people with selfless energy and love in their hearts, well, where would our cats be?  That answer we hope to never know.  Welcome back Jackie.  We’ve missed you.

We’ll be moving cats from the back room to Paddy’s Place, trying to clear up space for our new cats coming.  This was a suggestion by a viewer and we love it.  

We are also moving some furniture around to change things up a bit.  The cats do love new things!




Billie Jean (tentative date is Feb. 23)

Clarification on Moo Moo.  The woman who was going to adopt her does not live near and is having trouble getting here, so we have decided that he is available if someone is able to adopt him.  


"Grateful memories survive and will light your way through the darkness". 
