FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December 28, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December  28, 2024


Mr. Mustachio got his very own family on Monday.  Our sweet Bodie was adopted last month to a very loving family.  Sadly, Bodie got sick and was diagnosed with a large mass in his chest cavity and the decision was made to let him be pain free, humanely.)  The family remembered how close Bodie and Mr. Mustachio were so after a few weeks, they asked Megan if they could adopt Bodie’s good friend Mr. Mustachio.

He is now Mr. Christmastchio and doing well in his new home!  The family also has Acorn (former FFRC kitty) and Acorn has taken Mr. Christmastchio under her wing.  They also have Cheesecake (Dark Cat).

(This blog is based on weekending December 28.  There were two adoptions on Dec. 30 which will be on next week's blog!)

New Cats:


Health Updates:
Nyota is feeling back to normal, finished with her meds and is now back in her room with her close friends.

On Christmas, Jack’s sutured eye started to bleed.  That is normally an indication of an infection that needed to be drained so his little body opened up a little space for it to come out.  He’s doing well and has been put on additional anti-biotic.  

Murph has a little skin issue.  It looks like a dry skin issue and it appears to be getting better.

Other Updates:

Santa came as planned.  There were some cats on the naughty list but became extra nice in the past month, so Santa added them to the nice list!

All the cats were very excited by Megan cooking several hams and bringing them in for Christmas dinner.

Oscar is doing well at Megan’s mom’s house.  However, her other cat, Salem, does not want to share mom with anyone.  Salem is anger spraying around the house.  They are not fighting but it’s clear Salem is not a happy cat.  Jealousy is a very real thing, as is territorial domination.  Salem wants Oscar to know, “This was my house first’.  Time will tell what happens.  Hope still exists.


Lots of applications have been approved so we expect an increase in adoptions in the next few weeks.


  • "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." — Brad Paisley


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December 21, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December  21, 2024

Sweet, lovable gentle giant Oscar is now spending his days and nights in a foster home!  His new foster mom is…..Megan’s mother!  She recently took in Megan’s cat, Salem as Megan’s dogs are not willing to share their home with a cat.  So Salem needed a friend and, well it’s a perfect match!  It’s hopefully going to lead to a permanent home, but for now, everyone is happy to just take things one day at a time.

Oscar gets a home of his own, a new mom and a sibling.  What could be better!

Fostering a pet is very important and if you are not yet reading to adopt, consider becoming a foster.  It’s good for the cat but it’s also always good for you too.

Adopt, don’t shop and foster, don’t just sit on the sidelines and be curious.

Winner, winner, give them all a chicken dinner!

New Cats:


Health Updates:
Mitzy and Jack had eye surgeries this week.

Mitzy was already missing both eyes and one was already closed.  She had surgery to close the other eye socket.  We do this on cats that have an empty eye socket so the eye doesn’t get future infections.

Jack:  If you remember Jack had already lost one eye to the herpes virus.  When the eye ruptures like that, the body actually absorbs the eye ball into the socket. It just needed to be sewn closed to prevent future infections.  On his right eye, he can see, but his eye lashes were turned inward (called entropion) and it is a painful condition.  Surgery corrects it to have the eye lashes grow out.  He is doing so well and happy to be free of that condition.  He can now see since his eye lashes are no longer preventing him from opening the eye and seeing.  

We’ve gotten questions asking if we will still be giving meds on Christmas and New Years Eve to those cats that get daily meds.  The answer is ABSOLUTELY.  We’ll be here to give meds.  We’ll feed them as normal.  We’ll even scoop their litter boxes!  We may even sneak them all some treats and chicken!

Pania and Nyota are both doing very well after their recent health issues.  It’s amazing what medicine and love can do to make things all better!

Murph is doing much better as his mouth continues to heal from his teeth extractions.  Rumor has it, he’s been seen riding the big wheel when no one is watching!

Other Updates:
The two cats that were dumped on the FFRC grounds a few weeks ago (the ‘car’ cats) finally have names!

Spark is the dilute calico who hid in the underside of Megan’s car.  She is about 8 months old.

Noelle is an orange kitty that bolted from underneath Megan’s car.  She is almost 2 years old.  

Both cats are healthy (they both had fleas and ear mites but are now flea/mite free).

Both Megan and Lynette went to Humane Ohio on Tuesday to take a tour with other humane society’s.  It was nice to network and now they have some contacts that they can reach out to for advice and sharing of information.

We learned that we are doing really good things here!  We aren’t perfect but everyday we learn and do better.

On Friday, we had a visit from the director of one of the other rescues and she took a tour of FFRC.  It’s nice to chat with other rescues, it can only help the cats.

We had a last minute flash sale this week that raised $1,515.


Mr. Mustachio!  He’ll be going on Monday, December 23, to the family that adopted Dark Cat (Cheesecake) and Bodie.


“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”  Mark Twain.


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December 14, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December  14, 2024



New Cats:


Health Updates:
Dagda had one of those ‘he zigged when he should have zagged’ moments.  We watched him closely for a few days and he’s fine.  He was in a bit of a bad mood for a little while, but sometimes we all have those days.

Nyota is feeling much better and eating well.

Other Updates:

Dutton is now out and about and adjusting well to his new world.

We had another Humane Ohio day this week, sending up 26 females and 18 males for ‘fixin’.  Included in the group were Moo Moo, Taco Belle and Mr. Carson.  All came back as new kitties with no worries of how to pay for future child support.

Megan was feeling a bit under the weather this week so there aren’t a lot of updates.  But in keeping with the magic of the season, let’s imagine some update:
“All cats waiting for adoption, have been adopted to loving homes.”
“All cats are healthy and don’t need any medical treatment or Vet appointments, except for routine physicals.”

“Every bill that came in, has been paid and there is money left over.”

If you wish long enough and keep a positive outlook, it’s amazing how many dreams can come true.



"We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others."-- Helen Keller


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December 7, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending December 7, 2024


Choco was adopted!  He had come to us as a month old kitty with ‘lazy legs’.  His back legs weren’t quite developing correctly and he ‘dragged’ them as he moved.  With time, patience and love, he has gotten better and now runs and plays.  He was adopted by the family that adopted Berry Belle and Burger.

New Cats:

Two cats were ‘dumped’ on the property this week.  One, an orange female around 2 years old (maybe a little younger).  The other is also a female, a dilute calico about 8 months old.  Based on how they are acting with each other, we believe they are part of the same family.  We are pretty certain they were dumped by a person who had inquired about us taking in some of her cats.  We are at capacity and recommended several other places, then these cats ‘appeared’ on the property.

The little calico somehow managed to get wedged under Megan’s car so it took several strong people to jack up the car, climb under and heroically save the little cat.  Rumor has it the local news wanted to film the rescue but they were called to film a dog that was barking at a postal carrier instead.  Such is life in Defiance!

Health Updates:

Nyota is feeling better but will still be kept in a quiet pen for a few more days as she finishes up her medicine.

Murph had to have all his teeth removed.  He was a bit grumpy but is feeling much better.  Cats without teeth can eat like any other cats, even dry food.  They are resilient little ones.  Murph is one tough kitty.  Butterbean is making fun of him, but he’s fine and Butterbean just needs to watch his back.

Other Updates:

Saturday was our annual Kitty Christmas and once again, our Friends exceeded our expectations.  Your generosity is mind boggling.

Boxes are still coming in, but as of 12/8, here are the tentative totals:

~415 boxes were received, and opened, for Kitty Christmas.

~The total of $$ donations is currently $23,431.70. Megan will update us after she gathers the remaining information.

~The calendars are here! The first box arrived yesterday. Details posted as soon as we have them.

~At one point during Kitty Christmas, we had 1,022 viewers.

~ The 17  hidden letters spelled out  "Drink Your Ovaltine" a line from the 1983 movie A Christmas Story.




If you think your kindness goes unnoticed, you are wrong.  Kindness can be as simple as a hello in chat or a ‘like’ on videos.  Being respectful of each other is kindness.   Be kind, it makes life so much better.


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending November 30, 2024


FFRC Weekly Blog Week Ending November 30, 2024



New Cats:

Last week a Fedex driver brought in a big black cat that had been left behind by a family who moved. (see last week’s blog).  Also, the cat has now been named:  Dutton.

It truly is a season of deliveries as a different Fedex driver was involved in an accident with an elderly couple. The couple had this cat in the car, and gave it to the FedEx driver as she had to later deliver to FFRC.  This cat is also black and about a year old.  She has been named Bayleigh.

Rumor has it, UPS drivers are looking around for any kitties they can bring to FFRC.  

Health Updates:

Sadly, Moogy has passed.  Moogy belonged to our friend and volunteer, Marcia.  She was with Marcia for 17 years.  Marcia passed away a few weeks ago and Moogy came to stay at FFRC with Nyota and the quiet room.  She did well for the first few days, but then stopped eating, lost weight and just wasn’t well.  

Her condition deteriorated.  She passed peacefully and is now with her momma.

Liebchen has a  URI and eye infection.  She is in her pen to keep her quiet. She actually does well away from the hustle and bustle of the main center.  She’s like Emmy and Tigerlily, not very “peopley”, but sweet.

Nyota hasn’t been feeling well for the past few days.  She had a slight temperature.  She’s been given some meds and has improved slightly.  Remember, Nyota is a burn victim and while her burns have healed, she’s always subject to infections.  She’s a survivor but does feel a little ‘punky’ every now and then.  We’ve penned her to keep a closer eye on her. 

Other Updates:

Tuesday, December 3 is Giving Tuesday.  This global event encourages those who can to reach out and help charities, organizations, groups that make a difference in communities.  It’s a great day to volunteer at your local animal shelter/rescue or maybe a local nursing home or elder affairs center.  It’s a day that reminds us of all the good there is in the world.  We need these types of reminders every day.  Sometimes, it’s best to tune out negativity and celebrate those people and groups who help make the world a little bit better. 

If you can, please remember FFRC and give us positive thoughts and encouragement.

Kitty Christmas begins Saturday at 10:00 a.m.  Here is tentative schedule:

⭐ Come in your coziest holiday pajamas, grab some snacks and settle in for some fun!

⭐ 10:00am History of Kitty Christmas, Reading of Names, Chatter Scavenger Hunt and Holiday Pictionary.  

⭐ 11:30am Name Reading, Mystery Taste Tests and Chickie Party for the Kitties 

⭐ 1:00pm More Names to be Grateful For! And Story Time plus Meet Some Staff! 

⭐ 2:30pm Even More Names plus some Holiday Password!


Choco = he has a few more milestones to reach before being cleared to go to his forever home.

Allen is scheduled to be adopted on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 11:30 ish.


During this busy time of year, sometimes we may forget two simple words:  Thank You.  This is especially important for those in the retail industry.  A genuine Thank You can truly turn a bad day into a good day for someone who needs it.

Moogy, at peace with her mom.