Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021

  It's been a busy week for the Moss family--we have successfully moved 3 different households in about 10 days. What a whirlwind of activity. We are probably 95% done. Steve and I are slowly adjusting to being in a different house, after 30 years here at the FFRC house.  Our cats are adjusting very well. And now we have Enola........LJ's cat. She is doing good and is comfortable. I make many many trips back and forth between the new house to here at FFRC--the walk is now down to 22 seconds!

Thanks to all those who shop Amazon, through our website at  Simply go there and click on the Amazon icon.  FFRC will get a bit of a kickback from it.  We just had $138.95 deposited in our account!  And that is like free money!  I thank you!

This Weds. at 2:00, we will have a special Flash Sale.  It will consist of things that LJ had purchased from PawMart and through the Flash Sales. While we've been organizing her house, we put these unused items aside and it has accumulated to quite a stash!  These items will be in the Flash Sale. During the sale, we will tell some of our favorite LJ stories! Please join us!

The 6 babies of Rose are growing and now starting to eat a bit by themselves. They are so enjoying their playtime........which is all the time! We are now taking applications for these 6 and will soon have these folks come in and meet the kittens. Once we have Rose spayed, she will return to her home. 


We have thanks to give! This Rescue Center would not be able to function without your support. I am deeply grateful.

Wayne & Dee and their Felix and Lilly--donation to FFRC

Auntie Napa--for Pania!

Michael P--donation for FFRC

Colleen P--donation to FFRC
Steph M--donation for FFRC

Michele T--donation to FFRC

Peter Lovenich--donation for FFRC
Kelly L--donation to FFRC

Layla J--donation for FFRC
KatherineMR--donation for a happy 3rd birthday to Lark & Lilly, 2 FFRC kittens

JanefromTN--donation for FFRC
Uwe N--donation to FFRC, use it as you need it

Slawomir S from WA--donation to FFRC
Rudolf K from Germany--donation to FFRC
Simon and Julie P from UK--donation for FFRC, loves the webcam!

Patricia G from NY--donation to FFRC

Ivanda D from Latvia--donation to FFRC

Maria D--donation for FFRC
Fran D--donation in honor of Alma's birthday

Marti W--donation for FFRC
Kimkost--donation for one year "gotcha" anniversary for Teddy,, an FFRC kitty


We've heard from the new mama that adopted Joy Joy. Her name is now Klohe Jane and she is being social, enjoys lots of playing. She is very vocal and beautiful!  Sounds like all is well for our girl!

Spring is only 20 days away now! Our snow is quickly melting. Robins and red-winged blackbirds have been seen.  The ice on the river across the road from FFRC went out during the night. The river level is very high. No worries about us flooding though! 

The Porchies, Firecats, Barnies, COvies are doing great. Just this week, many of them had their weights taken, nails trimmed and brushed/combed out. And when we have sunshine, out they all come to roll and roll on the cement! They all love catnip that is spread on the catnip too!

Bub is one handsome boy. He is so big and so gentle. He's just a laid back guy. Sure would love to get him into a home! This Weds. about 12:15 ish, Alexandra will be going to her new home. Myles will be neutered at HumaneOhio on Thursday and then he will be going to his new home too!


We had BOXES!! Hoping soon we get back to opening on cam!

Cindy G--16 x 20 Ramsay Cat Tales pictures--it's awesome

Pamela JH, from Wash. DC--2 greenie snackers, 24 pk FF, 12 C batteries, 1 box Purrfectly chicken, 1 case FFRC gravy, 336 kitty wipes

Mighty Kat--2 fluffy cat beds with matching toys!

MLS--Royal Canin mother cat/baby dry bag, 15 rolls of flex tape with designs

Anonymous Friend--2 containers Temptation, 24 case Sheba, cat bed

Susan345--Royal Cat mother & baby cat--2 bags

Dianna D from NC--2 rugs--Sea and Mint

Rachel C & jason R--10 echo dryer balls, Party Mix, Temptations, tube of fish catnip toys, 2 pks dog treats

Anonymous Friend--1 container lg. Greenies, Sheba Purrrfect portions 36 twin packs

Judeannlee & Marmy2--24 case Royal Canin mother & baby cat canned, 36 cans 9-Lives, Sheba 24 purrfect portions, 2 boxes FF broth

Marie M--TopGum Photography picture & canvas, ribbon, candy dish, cardinal dish, tickets, cookie at, soup bones for Janie, cat duffle bag, utility cutter, lots of items needed for the office! 


Thump, thump, thump--if you hear what sounds like thunder going on near the ceiling, that would be Lena! She runs those cat walks like crazy! She gets that gleam in her eyes and off she goes--she runs as fast as she can! So much fun. 

Maddie is such a sweetheart. She loves to be petted and is truly a lap cat. And her motor----super loud! Alma is happily kneading away on one of the fluff beds. She is so happy. She even allowed some grooming yesterday. 

Coralie update! I am happy to say she is doing great. She is still receiving her meds that help her so much. She is wonderful and loves to stare at us with those big gold round eyes. That is her way of saying she wants more yummies to eat! And we are happy to comply!

The farm animals have handled the winter very well. The chickens have been laying their eggs all winter long! We are getting about 2 1/2 dozen a day! The geese and guineas are also doing good and love seeing the grass again! 

You all take good care. We are all finally settling in slowly but surely. I thank you for your patience during this very busy time. I will also be very happy when we can again have visitors. Hoping it will be soon. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021 & Big News

 The 6 new little ones are doing great!  The twins, Larry and Jerry are so extra cute. They like to lay on their backs and wiggle their feet! Laura is a sweetie and already has the cute face mastered. They all have the "squeak" down-pat.......very vocal. Mama Rose is also doing great. She is such a good mom.

Wednesday we had our Flash Sale. I thank you all for your support--the mods who helped, those that purchased the items and to Warped who made all of these blankies.  This Flash Sale brought in $546!!  This will help us with our monthly bills. 

Thanks for having fun with us, finding the Hearts. It was actually LJ's idea to do this. She suggested hiding hearts prior to Valentine's Day.......just for pure fun! It ended on Valentine's Day with 10 heats to find!

Remember Yahtzee and Simpson? I've heard from their mom and they are doing great. Simpson is super smart and has figured out how to open cabinets! I've seen recent pictures of both of these cats and they are real beauties and look so happy and contented. They even go for stroller rides!

We have lots to give thanks for. It's very important to always pass our thanks on-----------

Karen & GIlbert--3 Fancy Feast appetizers, 2 cases baby food

Janice B--3 lg. snackers, 6 boxes Lil Soups, 2 cases juice & 4 cases Ocean Spray, lots of C batteries, 2 Tide pod containers, 2 Delectables

Lynda D--1 RC mother & baby dry kibbles, 2 cases RC mom & Baby can

Mr. Meow--2 boxes Whole Hearted Packets, a lot of cute towels, toys, laser pointers, 3 boxes of PAWS packets, RC mother & Baby cat can--1 case

Anonymous Friend--2 boxes Broths, 288 kitty wipes

Hatmaker/Doris--lots of crochet blankies and toys!

M & M--Goebel figures--stunningly beautiful 

Ju-In-Ji--6 cases baby food

Stinkygreykitty--beautiful cat ring!, Belvita crackers, laser toy, sponges, coffeemate

Denise & Elizabeth from SC--hot pads, towels (cat & Easter), snackers, big yellow play ball, chicken broth, FF filets and Tendy Sticks

Purrmich--cat scratcher mat (cause Leo likes it!)

Carla M--24 Friskies gravy, 1 snackers, case of FF kitten

Dave--16 x 20 canvas beautiful sunset 

Mary/socal--canvas toes!  6 of them--2 blue, 4 with kittie designs

MLS--4 RC mother & baby dry kibbles 


And then, of course, we have more thanks to give!

Cathy from MN, Ryan B, Kelly I, Beautiful You, Dean Music Institute, Joseph V from ME, Sarah R from GB, Sonja L, A donation made in honor of Steph's birthday, Lynne W,, James R, Deborah S, Christopher S, Deana M, Laura N, Thomas W,, COnnie K, Pamela C, Jeremy H

Mich--donation for Enola's care and medical needs for all the cats

Ok--we have some Big News for you all.  It's been rather a shocker to me.  Steve and I are moving. Now, now, don't get too worried.  We are not moving far--just next door! After the initial surprise, we are hoping you will share in our joy in this decision!  My daughter Dawn came to Steve and me a couple of months ago. She told us of her desire to work the farm property--stock and gardens. Thinking of the future, it only makes sense for her to move into this main house and Steve and I to move into LJ's house.  Just yesterday, we finished taking care of LJ's things and began the move. It's possible, the move will be completed today, with lots of loose strings yet to care for though.  We can feel LJ's love there and I feel she would be happy with this decision. We have already had so much fun and laughter there. 

FFRC will remain the same, everything will be the same for the cats and running of FFRC. Nothing changes on that.  The only difference is I will be 25 seconds away instead of 5 seconds! 

And yes, Steve and I have King Magic and Queen Coralie's blessings on this! And Derecho too!  Still a few more super busy days ahead while we manage all of this. I may be a bit behind on a few things but always know I try very hard to keep up!  Lucy said if I got too far behind, she would help with the emails! 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

It's been a week..........super busy, super sad, super happy.  I know I've gotten behind in many things. And this blog may not be complete with all info.  If so, I'll apologize in advance and depend on your forgiveness.  As I've said, it's been a week. 

First and most important, many of you already know, we lost our dear friend LJ this week, on Wednesday. LJ moved here last fall because she loved the cats of FFRC, she had many friends here at the rescue and she felt like this was her family. She moved right next door, we put in a sidewalk to make our popovers easy.  It had been a long long time since I had a neighbor that was a real friend. And I loved it.  LJ passed in peace--she was happy and even though we were not prepared for this to happen so quickly, she was ready and content. Her cat Enola had been stuck like velcro to her these past couple of weeks and was with her when she passed.  We will continue Enola's care. I've been asked about a service for her.  As she requested, she wanted her ashes to be spread on FFRC property and especially at the backwater.  Plus, she wants bagpipes to be played. Not just the music, but a real person!  She was insistent on that!  So, come nicer weather, we will hold an open service in her memory. I already know this will be a joyous time celebrating her fun life with us. She will be missed so so much.

I'd like to say a giant thank you to all that made a donation to FFRC, in memory of LJ.  She would be extremely pleased with that--I can see her smiling about it right now! I am grateful.

Yesterday was our Royal Election! And what a wonderful election it was!  We had 890 votes come in, each $5.00.  That brought in $4450 for FFRC for bill paying. I am so so grateful. And here's the election outcome--

Second Runner-Ups: Asha & Ramsay (these two brought in a combined 123 votes)

First Runner-Ups: Prince Derecho & Princess Lucie (brought in a combined 166 votes)

And.........Queen Coralie and King Magic (brought in a combined 288 votes!!)

We then had bump ups which went over $5,000--needless to say, Steve paid bills last night.

We also had many consolation prizes and two bigger prizes for the queen/king votes. It was a wonderful event, full of fun and friendship.  Thank you to all that participated and to those that joined us on the cam!

We have taken on a mama cat and her 6 babies. They arrived on 2/11. Mama's name is Rose. When babies are older, Rose will be spayed and adopted back into the family that she came from.  She also has 3 kittens from a previous litter and those kittens are now scheduled for their spays soon.  The 6 kittens are healthy and ever so sweet. Our friend LJ was aware of these kittens coming to FFRC--we talked about it earlier in the week and she was so excited!  These kittens will be known as the LJ litter.  The babies were  born 1/21/21 and are 3 weeks old. 

Rose--a white calico, ever so sweet and a good mama

Jerry--brown tiger, ASH, twin, male

Larry--brown tiger, ASH, twin, male

Laura--tiger/calico, female

Lennon--gold ASH, male

Joall--gold tiger/white, male

Jean--gold tiger, female

King Magic is doing wonderful. His bum where his abscess was has healed beautifully.  The surgical site is checked 2-3 times a day. Queen Coralie continues to feel good. She is actually now on minimal meds for her tumor but is eating very well. She sure loves to nap in her crown bed!  Sparrow is getting stronger and sure is a climber.  She can put her back weight on that right leg even though it "wiggles" quite a bit. We are giving her ample time before any decisions are made. She is like a bird, flying all around!

We have some thanks to give:

Faithy--donation to cover a spay/neuter/vaccine

Daniel K--donation to FFRC

Timothy R--donation to FFRC

Pat D from PA--donation in memory of Anna Lauren Hodum, sister in law.

Lana H--donation to FFRC

Edith L from MD--donation to FFRC

Cheryl B--donation to FFRC

Cathy OA--donation for FFRC

Sue OD--donation for FFRC

Sonja M from Australia--donation to FFRC

CHarlotte T--donation to FFRC

Lisa C--donation to FFRC
Judeanlee--donation for FFRC

Clara N from NY--donation to FFRC
Gusti--donation to FFRC, in memory of our past King Bruno/PawPaw and Queen Jessie

Zsofia H/Trillyke--donation to FFRC

Sharon G from UK--donation to FFRC
Anne L--donation in celebration of CDot Moss getting adopted!

And then.........we had BOXES!!  a million thank yous! We are hoping soon that we can resume BOX openings on cam!  But, in the meantime, we open them in PawMart and make notes!  And we ooooh and awwww over every BOX! 

Karen & Gilbert- 2 shop vac filters, FF appetizer, 1 box Lil Soups, 6 pkg Catit, Box of Beyond Broth, Temptations, 2-1 gallons of Mr. Clean

Dustin H--24 hand sanitizers for vols

MLS--12 boxes of Lil' Soups

NJLurker--2-cat headed scratcher bed!, 100 tubes Churu, 30 tubes Catit cream;y

Aprilcatlover--24 jars babyfood, 2 FF appetizers, 2 cases Beyond Broth

Mary R from NY--crocheted dog coats (will go to our local shelter!)

Dora A--snackers for cats & Lil Soups

Deb C--22# Iams dry food, 152 cans 9-Lives

Nona--Lots of "C" batteries!

Floyd & Patty--12 cans RC Mother/Babycat

JoyceOH--2-24 pk Friskies 

Randi & Mary--2 cases Purrfectly chicken

StripeyD--turbo scratcher replacements 6 pk, 2 Lil Soups

Contessa & Family--Sheba cuts, cards & puzzle book

Anonymous Friend--Lg temptations, 1 pkg Greenies, 30 ct Lil Soups

MM--4 quilts, different bed sizes, all cat designs

Christopher & STephanie C from AL--donation, LOTS of cat toys!

Jane90125--2 floppy fish, 2 Party Mix, 2 scratcher, playhouses, 16# Purina One Kitten

M & M--Goebel figurines, all signed, so beautiful

Judeanlee--C batteries, 2 purple mamas, 3 temptations, 6 Lil Soups, 4 scratchers, cat toys! 

KarenB--3 cases FF Broths, Sheba Portions 24, 2 bags horse treats, 4 Lil Soup, 4 cat snackers

Elaine & Alan--5-Friskies 24 cans, 1 Friskies 32, 3 FF, 1 FF Appetizers, 2 bags litter

Bill & Lisa S Family from PA--card (this donation in name of Patricia S)--2 flats stamps, Sheba Portions, 7 cat toys, 8 FF Appetizers, 6 broths, 3 snackers, Cat Advantage

It makes me so grateful that these items have arrived. And it's easy to see just some of the huge variety of items that we use here at FFRC.  All of this is possible from donations such as these. It's incredibly heartwarming to me and very thankful.

Little Myles is here now. He is big enough to not be fostered any longer by his Auntie Peggy. She did an awesome "job" with him. He's happy, good weight, so sweet and playful.  He loves to play with the toys and with Nugget and Alexandra. But, he's not beyond chasing a cat tail either! 

This Thursday is another HumaneOhio surgery day. It's a loaded schedule, as usual. It amazes me how there are still so many kittens and cats not spayed/neutered yet.  Spring is only 35 days away.  Days are becoming longer in sunlight. This is what triggers heat cycles to begin.  Many of the female cats in the last 3 loads have been in heat.  Please.......don't wait until it's already spring.  Get those surgeries scheduled now, where there is perhaps only 1 or 2 cats to do, instead of 12-15 to do by mid summer.  Remember.....a cat giving birth in early spring can have 3-4 litters before late fall.  And those early spring babies can have babies of their own in the fall. 

From King Magic--Take care everyone. Appreciate your family and friends.  Give your pets an extra hug. Wash your hands often. Always be willing to forgive. And reach out to others that need help--a wonderful gift to give. And don't forget how good back rubs feel (Magic is a pro at receiving those!) 



Friday, February 5, 2021 & Royalty Info

Keep your warm coats, gloves and scarfs near........a big cold front is coming our way. Next week is predicted to have subzero temps. If this is the same for your area, please be sure pets stay warm. They may need some help.  

Ways to help pets that are outside:  

Provide a shelter and adding insulation is bonus. remember a warm big blankie.

An electric water bowl will ensure that the water won't freeze.

You can also use an electric water bowl to put the dry food in.

In subzero weather, consider bringing your pet into a garage.

If pet is wet from the snow, towel dry off so body temp doesn't dip.

Heated mats and beds are wonderful to help keep your pet warm.

Consider a food warmer so the can food can be given at a warm temperature.

We had a Flash Sale this week. I thank all involved, from providing the items to those that purchased the items and the help from the mods. We pulled in $710 for this sale. That amount will go towards our electric bill which is quite high right now. Thank you!

Magic now has his bum sutures removed. Dr. Darcy did an awesome job of helping him. The suture line is right above where he puts his bum-pad down. He's out and about now full time and he is so happy about this. I've reminded him though that he will need frequent bum checks! 

This coming Wednesday at 11:00 is another Flash Sale..........specifically a Warped Sale! We received 2 more boxes from Warped and of course, everything in the boxes are awesome! A lot of  new prints! 

Myles is doing great. He has been coming on Thursdays with his Auntie Peggy. This next Thursday, Myles will come to stay. He is now one ounce shy of being 2 lbs! Thank you, Peggy for your good care. He is actually on hold already by a wonderful lady. He will be here in the Rescue Center though for a bit with us.

We took on a new kitten. Her name is Alexandra (a Name a Cat name). She is all black with a little white on he tummy and a tiny white tip tail. Such a sweetie--she's so silly.  Will run away from you and then when she is called, she comes running full steam back to you! She and Sparrow and Nugget were playing this morning. A friend of ours had found her outside by herself. She had some flea dander but a sudsy bath took care of that. She also went to HumaneOhio yesterday for her spay. She is 13 weeks old with a birthdate of 11/4/20.

We had a HumaneOhio day yesterday! We sent up 43 cats. This was made up of 26 females and 17 males. So far for 2021, we've spayed/neutered 131 cats. It was probably one of the hardest check outs that we've done. About 45 minutes before the transport truck arrived, it started snowing heavily. And it continued and continued. Our go home instruction papers were wet as were the papers from HumaneOhio. We kept the covers on the cat crates until the very end of their discharge. The people were patient and understood.   Just an FYI--we will not have an FFRC surgery date this Saturday.

And then today......awesome morning!  We had THREE adoptions, both for two kittens that are much loved.  Today is a special's Gracie's 18th birthday. Remember, Gracie helped me with bottle feeding that little Nugget. She was the night time feeder for many weeks.  He stole her heart long ago and she has mentioned a few times she would love to have him.  So.....after a scavenger hunt with 10 clues today that led her all around the Rescue Center, she was led to a box. And in that box was a stuffed cat which she traded for a real kitten.....none other than Nugget!  He is her kitten now forever!

And phone rang and it was for another adoption! Someone said they were in the parking lot and was ready to adopt none other than CDot!  I said come on in. So, in through the door!! It was a fun thing but I did officially adopt CDot.....he is now mine forever. And ever and ever! CDot Moss! 

Joy Joy also was adopted. She went to a home where she now has a mom and dad and is the only cat. The new owners have lots of patience and will give Joy Joy all the time she needs to settle in.  Joy Joy has turned into a play machine--she loves to play with everything! We sent one of her favorite toys home with her. She is the sweetie that was dumped at WalMart and one of our volunteers rescued her.

Have you found the daily 3 hearts? If not, join the fun. On the cams, each day 3 hearts are put somewhere in sight of the cam, This is our 4th day for this and will end on Valentine's Day. It's just a fun thing to do during this snowy and cold time. If you find the hearts, you can say you found them, but don't say where!  That way others still can find them!

We have thanks to give!

Hallie G--donation to FFRC

Tracy L--donation to FFRC

Hope A--donation for FFRC

Donavon S--donation for Victor, Jackson 2 and all the kitties

Peter L from Germany--donation to FFRC

Gusti--donation to welcome Alexandra

Sonja L--donation to FFRC

Karen McL--donation for FFRC

Katherine E--donation for FFRC

Nancy Olds from IL--donation to FFRC

Joseph V from MD--donation to FFRC
Harm B--donation to FFRC
Shannan W--donation to FFRC

Canton/Rita M--donation to FFRC (share with Sevaun!)

Faith M--donation to help with a public spay/neuter

Patricia R--donation to FFRC

Michael P from NV--donation to FFRC

Lindsay D--donation to FFRC

Jakesmeowmy--donation for FFRC

Charlie and Linda B--donation to FFRC And George the cat.

Best Friends Animal Society has sent a donation of $127.28!  This is for the ResQWalk donation for the last 2020 quarter! This year, they will have a new corporate partner, Front of the Pack.  This donation is FREE, just by walking, running, jogging for FFRC.  Check the app out--ResQWalk!  It's easy, good for you, good for FFRC!  Many thanks.  And while you are racking up miles, feel free to post a picture or two of your adventure!

We have a few more thanks too to give!

Rosemary B--dropped off dry cat food,c anned food and litter

Barb D--4 bags of dry food, bed and a bagful of treats

Betsy & Mike S--2-24 packs M Mix, bag of toys, 2 packs q-tips, hand sanitizer, knitted crate blankets, bag of blankets, cottonelle wipes

MLS--7 gallons of Lysol!!

Yvonne VDK--big bag Purina One dry food, 35 count Frito-Lay variety pack

Tammy, Terry & Napping Kits--cat toys to share with the community cats (we passed these out to the spay/neuter cats yesterday!)

Mr Meow--Knead & Seek playmat, cat/mice toys, 5 cat bowls, 24 Whole Hearted cat food, 1 box 9-Lives   Lots & Lots & Lots of cat toys on sticks!

Patty PK--60 Lil' Soups--variety

Judeanlee-2 boxes of Bounce, 1 box Magic Mr. Clean erasers, 4 bottles Mr. Clean, 4 boxes Purrfectly chicken, 180 coffeemate creamers!

OutsideGirl/Anna--3 containers Clorox, 4 cat scratching play houses, card

Karen & Gilbert--box of FF Broths, PT--3 packs 12 each, 2 boxes ziplock quart, 2,640 of 6" foam plates

Alan & ELaine--40 lbs of cat litter

Mr. & Mrs. Medic and Baby Medic--2 cases Fancy Feast

Here's the info on the upcoming February Fun-Raiser!

Happy upcoming Valentine's Day! Because our King Paw Paw and Queen Jessie passed away in 2020, it is time to elect a new King and Queen to reside over FFRC.  

The resident cats so love our viewers and would like to invite you all to participate in this event--it's a Fun-Raiser/Royal Election!  They would like their cat people friends to vote for a Valentine Queen and King! We have 14 residents that are participating. 

It's simple--just send a check to FFRC with your voting requests. Or you can go to our website at and click on the PAYPAL link and send your ticket requests that way.

You can vote ($5 a vote) as many times as you'd like! You can put your vote(s) all on 1 cat or as many as you want. You can vote just for a King or just for a Queen, or both!  This event starts Feb. 9th, Tuesday and ends at 9 am on Feb. 12,  Friday.

Then we (the tellers) will count the votes and determine which female and male has the highest votes. This determines our next King and Queen.

Any person who put in a vote for the Queen and/or King will get a Sprocket picture sent to them, along with a special cat decal, royal money and a special pocket token. 

All people who had a vote in for the new King or Queen will also have their names put into a Valentine heart and a name will be drawn. That person will receive a Kuranda Tower!  Another name from that group will be drawn for a special blanket.

And there's even more! ALL tickets will then go into the Valentine heart. All drawn names will receive a gift from FFRC--we have lots to give away!  

On 2/12 at 1:00, on the cam, the 1st runner ups will be shown on a special Valentine "stage". Then the winning royalty will be presented to our cam friends. 

Join the fun!  Who will be the new Queen and King?

The resident participants are:
Magic                   Coralie                  Pania
Ramsay                 Camvi                    Kiara
Spiker                  Derecho                Vernon
Marilyn                 Hensley                 Lucie
Alma                     Asha

Please note that Nyota, Zelda, Shamballie and Janie-Cat are wishing not to participate!

Starts 2/9     Ends 2/12 at 9 am with the Crowning at 2:00.